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    • 19 JAN 16
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    General Surgery

    General Surgery

    UiTM Private Specialist Centre is comprised of board-certified consultant surgeon that provides assessment and treatment for full range of general surgery conditions. General surgeons provides consultation and surgery on medical conditions involving the breast, endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract, colon, liver, pancreas and rectum. It deals with broad spectrum of general disease that may require surgery as a treatment. Most of general surgery will be perform laparoscopically.

    Cancer & Disease:

    Adrenal, biliary and Gallstone, gastric, peptic ulcer disease, pancreas, small intestine and appendix, retroperitoneal tumors, spleen, lymph nodes biopsy, lumps and bumps.

    Colon, Rectum, Anus:

    Colon and rectal tumors, chronic constipation, haemorrhoids, anal fistula/fissure, rectal prolapsed, diverticulitis, inflammatory bowel disease.


    Abdominal/incisional, inguinal/femoral, umbilical

    Breast & Endocrine

    Biopsy, mastectomy, breast conserving surgery, sentinel nodes biopsy, breast reconstruction, endoscopic thyroidectomy, total Para thyroidectomy, laparoscopic adrenalectomy.

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